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New Study to Explore Intervention to Help Reduce Weight in People With Schizophrenia

A group of researchers, led by Professor Richard Holt at the University of Southampton, are to investigate whether people with schizophrenia or first episode psychosis are able to reduce their weight through a structured education program.

People with schizophrenia are two to three times more likely to be overweight or obese. As well as a range of adverse physical health consequences, such as diabetes and heart disease, weight gain may be an important factor that stops people taking their antipsychotic medication. This increases the risk of relapse of the schizophrenia and worse mental health.

However, if they can change their diet and exercise habits, their weight may reduce and quality of life improve.
The research, funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) Programme, will develop an education approach, originally designed by the University of Leicester DESMOND team, to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, for people with schizophrenia. This will be examined in a randomized controlled STEPWISE (Structured lifestyle Education for People WIth SchizophrEnia) trial and compared to usual health and social care.

The program will include four weekly sessions with clinicians and follow up sessions after three, six and nine months all focusing on diet and exercise.
The study will start recruiting participants from participating NHS Trusts in October 2014.

Richard Holt, Professor in Diabetes and Endocrinology at the University of Southampton, is leading the project in collaboration with co-investigators at the Universities of Sheffield and Leicester and mental health trusts across the UK. The study is sponsored by Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.

"We know people with severe mental illness die 10 to 20 years earlier than the general population. The commonest cause is from heart disease and being overweight or obese increases this risk. We want to develop a program for use in the NHS that will help people with schizophrenia address the problem of obesity," explains Professor Holt.

Dr David Shiers, a retired GP and collaborator on the project, said: "Given how weight gain can damage long term physical health as well as increase stigma it is incumbent on clinicians to seek more effective ways to offset such a serious adverse effect of the antipsychotic medication they prescribe."



  1. I would have never made a connection between the two. It is yet another interesting find.

  2. A very interesting article, I didn't know there was a connection.

  3. This sounds like a great project to support, I am curious to see first results.

  4. An interesting article. A lot of the extra weight for those with this disease seems to be from the medicines that keep the disease at bay. Then again, there are those who don't take their meds and might still be overweight.

  5. I don't know any schizophrenics but I do have some bi-polar friends and they all have told me that they gained a lot of weight after they started taking the medications that help with their conditions. I guess, in perspective, controlling their conditions is the more imperative of that and gaining some addition weight but it would be nice to see them be able to control both things.

  6. This is a very interesting discovery between schizophrenics and weight loss.

  7. Sure hope this study shows the correct way to aid these people.

  8. I hope this study will end up in some good results that will help these people lose weight and feel better.

  9. I had no clue that people with severe mental illness die 10 to 20 years earlier than the general population...this is kinda scary when you really think about it.
