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Sugar The True #1 Cause of Weight Gain

Very few researchers have discovered the true cause of weight loss. Did  you know that every low-calorie diet ever created contains sugar?

Sugar is the true cause of weight gain, not calories. By realizing this you will be able to shed as much as 11-14 pounds in a two week duration.

Eliminating sugar targets the release of belly fat.

What if I told you that almost everything you have been told about weight gain is wrong?

In every grocery store label you will find foods that are packed with sugar.
Belly fat is not lost by controlling calories. It is lost by completely eliminating sugar from your diet.

Insulin is the regulator of blood sugar. This hormone drives cells to burn carbohydrates instead of fat.
When this hormone is imbalanced it stimulates the production of more fat.
Insulin is not someting that only diabetics need to control, it is a hormone in all of us that needs to be

Most people that are newly overweight get defensive, " I am not a diabetic!"

If you have belly fat, your insulin hormone is causing you to produce it because of your intake of carbohydrates that produce fat. That is a fact.

The Atkins diet singled out carbohydrates but recommended the intake of fat and various sugars that are alcohol based ( xylitol). The diet only created a process called ketosis where your body was set into motion to drain the water weight. The fat remained. That tough belly fat and arm flab.
Most people that have gone on Atkins went insane for a bagel or a piece of bread, because the diet was not condusive to kicking your addiction to starches which are full of sugar.

Most other diets allow breads and pastas because they tell you to exercise it off. They are doing people a great dis-service. It takes 3 days to burn off one portion of rice, pasta or bread according to most endocrinolgy research ( Dr. Schwarzbein). So you are kept on this perpetual hamster treadmill and you again are losing water weight, not burning fat.

Without lowering your insulin hormone levels, it is impossible to burn fat. In order to see true fat burn you must completely eliminate sugar from your diet. All sugar! No splenda, NutraSweet, Saccharin. Fructose. These are all sugar. Google these. They are described as " low-calorie" sweeteners. Again, as I stated above, the secret to losing weight is not reducing calories, it is eliminating sugar.

In the following days we will be discussing satisfying strategies to feeling full, satisfied, and launching your true fat burn. Stay Tuned.


  1. I can recommend drinking eight glasses or more of water every day. I also make sure I drink one right before a meal. It helps fill you up instead over eating food.


  2. You can exchange many beef meals for chicken, tuna, or turkey. They are healthier for you instead of beef. No need to not have your favorite meal just exchange it for one of the three instead of the beef. When you need ground beef why not use ground turkey?

  3. I use lemon a lot in my tea and water it helps eliminate the water gain. When tired of plain water I use lemon, watermelon, strawberries, cucumber, and many more to flavor. Be brave try combinations too for great tasting water.

  4. Go walking! You know those romantic walks with your spouse or significant other? How about nature walks with your kids? Well not only are these bonding times but they are helping you burn calories.

  5. Another tip is use a small plate instead of a regular size. It makes you look like you have more on your plate. Kind of a mind game.
